I like to take photos of animals, but I do find it tough to get really good shots of them unless I have extended access to them. They aren't always cooperative, and they have to be relaxed and not really notice you are there, which requires time.
Once in a while I pet sit for friends. My cat died about two years ago after a long illness, and I decided to take a break. I found I really missed having a cat or dog around, (a cat has always been part of my family) and this is where the pet sitting idea came in. It allowed me to get a pet "fix" and give the owners peace of mind while they were away.
Willie is one of my favorite charges. He was rescued from the local shelter long ago, and now lives in a wonderful house with my dear friend and neighbor Jerry. Willie is a short haired, all black cat. Something about him makes me think he has Siamese in his heritage. He is also a very laid back, sleek, "go with the flow" cat. If he were human, I think he would be a member of the Rat Pack. He's truly a cool cat!
Willie once had an ear problem, and the end result left one of his ears scrunched up. I thought his sudden imperfection made him even more appealing. I saw the ear as a symbol that his life wasn't always about lying in the sun or having his chin scratched. Like most of us, he had been through something unpleasant and came out of it just fine. It also reiterated to me that there is real beauty (or handsomeness, in Willie's case) in imperfection. We just have to see it in our lives for what it really is.

I call this photo "Willie Nilly"...he was upside down on the floor when I took this shot. The title came about after this photo was in a local show and the show judge called me to tell me my photo was upside down in the frame. Sigh.....sometimes a label can be helpful.....

Willie wasn't always an easy subject....

Here, he was sitting at the screen door, waiting for Jerry to return from his trip. (or maybe waiting for the first snow of the season?)
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